14C-labeled metabolites in heterocysts and vegetative cells of Anabaena cylindrica filaments and their presumptive function as transport vehicles of organic carbon and nitrogen.


To investigate the transport of primary metabolites in Anabaena cylindrica from vegetative cells into heterocysts, intact filaments were labeled with the heterocysts were separated from the vegetative cells after different time intervals, and the labeling patterns were determined. After a 20-s fixation time, a high percentage of labeling of alanine, glutamate and glutamine, and, to a lesser extent, glucose 6-phosphate was found in heterocysts as compared with whole filaments. The results can be explained if transport of alanine, glutamate, and sugars from vegetative cells into heterocysts is assumed. Alanine can serve as a precursor for reducing equivalents if it is oxidized to glutamine which flows back to the vegetative cells. This idea is supported by an experiment in which exogenous alanine is readily converted by isolated heterocysts to glutamate and glutamine under a N2-H2 atmosphere. The incorporation of [14C]carbonate in isolated heterocysts demonstrated the absence of the reductive pentose phosphate pathway; however, it revealed marked activity of an acid fixation reaction.

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