1947, O ANO EM QUE O BRASIL FOI MAIS REALISTA QUE O REI: o fechamento do PCB e o rompimento das relações Brasil-União Soviética




The purpose of this study is to analyze two important events that occurred in Brazil, in 1947, during the reign of the General Dutra: the extinction of Partido Comunista Brasileiro PCB (Brazilian Communist Party) in May and the rupture of diplomatic relations between Brazil and Soviet Union in October. Research about both episodes was delimited over a period of time, between January of 1945 and January of 1948. Data was collected from diverse sources such as news paper: Correio da Manhã, Tibuna Popular, and Jornal do Brasil; personal documentation about politics, correspondences made among Itamaraty State Secretary, Brazilian Embassy in Moscow and Washington, and Brazilian Commissionership in the ONU. Analysis of data was based on the theory of New Political History. According to this theory, in a society, power is divided in an inequitable way among its groups. In this perspective, the power of State, held by a group or groups, promote disequilibrium of power among other groups. The study also used the concept of representation to better understand the importance of ideas of democracy, communism, and imperialism, in that period context. This study concluded that the extinction of the PCB and the rupture of diplomatic relations between Brazil and the Soviet Union was a political maneuver adopted by Brazilian dominant classes to keep Brazilian society under control since the country was facing enormous growth among the Labor Party and PCB. The government reigned by General Dutra took advantage of negative representation of the idea of communism among Brazilian society and uses it as a justification to restrain the communist opposition and to repress labor manifestations. Hence, the rupture of diplomatic relations between Brazil and the Soviet Union was a reflex of internal politics. The same treatment dispensed to national communists was transferred to international communists. Brazil was the first occidental country to break diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. At the time, Brazil under United States leadership, actually exceed the United State in the Cold War by their action and became more realistic than the King


partido comunista brasileiro, 1947 brasil - relações exteriores - união soviética historia regional do brasil brasil - politica e governo, 1945 - 1948 brasil - relações exteriores - estados unidos

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