A administração dos bens temporais da arquiabadia de São Sebastião da Bahia.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The ora et labora (pray and work) was part of an ideal oriented on life. In this doctrinal corps which constituted the Rule of Sao Bento, the wisdom of the indispensable balance between the temporal and the spiritual, is the uppermost aspect of the Benedictine ethics. This thesis has the goal to study the administrative and functional system developed by the Benedictine monks in Bahia, the care and management of their property assets with the purpose to support the monastic life in which everything converges towards serving God. The research looks at the period corresponding between the last thirty years of the sixteenth century up to the end of the twentieth century, time that witnessed the establishment of the most recent Benedictine houses (casas benedictinas) in Brazil. Various methodological approaches were used through the development of the research. Beyond the analysis-andsynthesis method, which is present through all stages of the work, the author also used historical and comparative methods. To do so, the author undertook the review of a broad bibliography including various documents from private and public archives and libraries from Brazil and Portugal, as well as printed reference works about the history of the Catholic Church, the formation and evolution of the religious patrimonies, the economy and the administration of the property assets belonging to the Religious Orders, among others. The study of the monastery Sao Bento da Bahia brought out how significant the Rule and Constitutions of the Order were in guiding the existence of the Benedictine Monasteries. The Congregation was the highest entity directing the relationships between the monasteries; the Chapters and the Juntas, main forums of discussion and resolution of the spiritual and temporal life of the monks. The monasteries, with their many movable and immovable assets situated in rural and urban areas of the territory were determining factors in the use of a slave workforce, a productive manpower working inside the Monasteries as well as in the mills, the farms and lands, among their many properties, performing various occupations like taylor, musicians, agriculturist and construction workers The development of an administrative and functional structure to control their property assets corresponded to the requirements coming form the proper Rule, the Constitutions and their establishment inside the Portuguese monasteries, which, reorganized in their spiritual and temporal life by the Catholic Church, influenced the Brazilians. Inside this structure, the monks themselves carried out the duties and responsibilities. This same structure determined the direct participation of the monks in the control of the economic profits of the properties and significant activities such as the architectonic and heritage conservation programmes related to their immovable assets, with the supreme objective to sustain the monastic observance of the community. Accompanying and following the bahianese roads and cycles, the Benedictine economie profits varied throughout time. Between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, the main financial resources were the urban and rural patrimony assets. From the end of the nineteenth century on, the urban patrimony assets, with newly developed forms of income, appears as the principal means of support contributing to the subsistence of the Order.


arquitetura e urbanismo ordem religiosa mosteiros beneditinos patrimônio religious order benedictine monasteries patrimony assets

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