A análise custo-efetividade : sua aplicação como auxílio para a definição de políticas de regulamentação do uso de agrotóxicos




The cost-effectiveness analysis is an analysis that compares the costs and outcomes of two or more projects, and selects the one that gives the best result to improve the well-being of the population. In this dissertation the cost-effectiveness analysis was carried out to analyse four projects that aim to regulate pesticide spray in tomato crops: pesticide mixture with no regulation; prohibition of pesticide mixture; alllowance of pesticide mixture only when the products were commercialized by the same industry and banning pesticide mixture that carry potential risk to human health. This analysis is important because tomato production employs several pesticide mixtures and this practice is not regulated yet. Although the results showed that pesticide mixture with no regulation was the most cost-effectiveness project and had the lowest environmental impact, this option had the potential to cause risks to human health. Regulation that prohibited pesticide mixture that were able to cause risks to human health was the second best option. However, the result of this regulation has several uncertainties as it is unknown the real risk of several pesticide mixtures to human health. The prohibition of pesticide mixture and the allowance of pesticide mixture only when they were commercialized by the same industry reduced potencial risks to human health. However, those alternatives increased negative externalities such as water usage and CO2 emissions. In summary, this analysis showed that pesticide mixture was the best option to reduce some environmental negative externalitie. Yet but it is still necessary a lot of research to determine which pesticide mixtures can carry risks to human health and vertebrates and invertebrates. With those results the uncertanties found here can be elucidated, the outcome of the cost-effectiveness analysis can be improved and the adequate legislation implemented.


análise custo-efetividade tomato environmental economics cost-effectiveness analysis economia do meio-ambiente economia tomate

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