A apropriação de modelos estrangeiros pelo pensamento político brasileiro: os casos de Bernardo Pereira de Vasconcelos, Marquês de São Vicente, e Visconde do Uruguai / The use of foreign models by brazilian political thought: the case of Bernardo Pereira de Vasconcelos, Marquise of São Vicente and Viscount of Uruguai




This work has two central objectives. The first one will to present, in a systematic way, the main components of conservative thought in the Brazilian Empire. We use as a reference three of the central thinkers of the period: Bernardo Pereira de Vasconcelos, Paulino José Soares de Sousa, the Viscount of Uruguay, and José Antônio Pimenta Bueno, the Marquise of São Vicente. Then, we intend to compare the propositions of these thinkers with what we believe to be their main influences, the French political thought of the period. In this case, Benjamin Constant, François Guizot and Alexis de Tocqueville are central authors for the discussion. Having realized these analyses, our central objective will be to explore the relationship between the Brazilian authors and their supposed influences. We will search for the form and content of their use of foreign models, aiming to find solutions for the Brazilian political problems of the period.


bernardo pereira de vasconcelos marquise of são vicente pensamento político francês visconde do uruguai french political thought viscount of uruguai conservative party marquês de são vicente partido conservador bernardo pereira de vasconcelos

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