A cluster analysis of the neurons of the rat interpeduncular nucleus.


The morphometric characteristics of the neurons of the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) in the rat were investigated by cluster analysis in order to identify neuronal groups which are morphometrically homogeneous, and to define their position and density in the IPN subnuclei. Two clusters of cells were detected. Cluster 1 neurons had a larger perikaryal size with a mean cross-sectional area of 170 microns2 and a high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio. They were located mainly in the pars dorsalis (37%) and pars medialis (34%) rather than in the pars lateralis (29%). Cluster 1 neurons were also more frequent at the rostral (31%) and caudal (57%) poles than in the central part of the IPN. Cluster 2 cells showed a smaller mean perikaryal area (110 microns2), a small nucleus and abundant cytoplasm. They were equally distributed throughout the whole IPN. These findings suggest the existence of a magnocellular region at the rostral pole of the IPN which has not been described previously. The presence of IPN regions endowed with specific cytoarchitectural characteristics is discussed with respect to the complex neurochemical organisation of the nucleus.

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