A comparative study between the suppliers of automotive components to conventional and to modular plants. / Estudo comparativo entre os fornecedores de componentes automotivos de plantas convencionais e modulares.




The objective of this dissertation is to verify and to understand how does the modular strategy being implemented by the car assembler influences the suppliers in the 2nd. level of the automotive chain. Modular strategy is conceptually based on modularity (more added value to components as they become modules) and outsourcing (suppliers’ involvement in activities usually made only by the assembler). Method case was used in the analysis of two productive chains of a single assembler, one is conventional and the other is modular, producing similar subcompact cars. We studied two modules of each car: suspension and cockpit. Each chain is composed of one car assembler, some 1st. tier suppliers (also called systemists or module suppliers) and some 2nd. tier suppliers (the components producers). The modular organization characterizes for the consolidated physical flow (assemblies and modules), the reduction of direct suppliers to the assembler, and the new role of the module suppliers. We found two kinds of modular supplier: first one is the assembler systemist and it basically purchases the components of the module, assembles it and deliveries it at the final assembly line. The other type is the integrator systemist , to whom the changes are more significant. The integrator systemist assumes relative responsibilities for development and many responsibilities for production and supply management. Generally speaking, the second tier suppliers (producers of components) are not very influenced by the Modular Strategy but when we consider the differences among the module suppliers, several points are distinguished. Effects of modularization and outsourcing are more intense on the second tier suppliers that work for the integrator systemist , since they face changes in the components development, in commercial practices, in productive processes and also in the supply system.


gestão de cadeia produtiva outsourcing indústria automobilística modular strategy automotive industry estratégia de produção cadeia de suprimento externalização operations management estratégia modular supply chain management

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