A construção da identidade de crianças pantaneiras




Pantanal, the biggest flooding plain in the world, has many cultural and environmental features which may influence its peoples identity. Since its a rich region concerning fauna and flora, the pantaneiro has learned to live in this world, following traditions and respecting what nature provides him, such as the local beauties and the flood which impedes the traffic of vehicles in many parts, once Pantanal is divided into eleven regions. The local children attend schools in the farms which hold school nucleus and the schools work according to the reality of the region. This research aimed to investigate the identity construction process of some pantaneira school children through drawings, and also some psychosocial aspects involved in the process. Three schools from different regions in Pantanal were chosen so that, through observations made in them, the place with the biggest number of features from Pantanal could be selected according to the theory used, such as the water cycle, the culture and the difficulties of access reported by researchers, among others. Four children from 7 to 9 years old and with at least a year studying in the selected school were chosen for the case study. As this school is also a boarding school in which children can go home every week, two children who live in this boarding school and two children who live with parents were analyzed. Some analysis were made considering the simbologies in the drawings which could contribute to a study between the childs identity in relation to the environment in whic h this child lives, according to a participant observation and to what has been found in the theories.


pantaneira schools desenhos escolas pantaneiras children identity psicologia cultura. drawings culture. identidade infantil; psicologia social; crianças pantaneiras

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