A construção da intertextualidade na produção textual de alfabetizandos adolescentes e adultos




Action-research was used to investigate the process of the construction of intertextuality during the production of the texts by adolescentes and adults undergoing alphabetization in a public school. Empirical data were collected during pedagogical intervention in classes of Portuguese, the mother tongue of the students. The theoretical base for the analysis of the data were those of Literacy Studies and of intertextuality as defined by Textual Linguistics. The results showed that the process of construction and the manifestation of intertextual relations in both reading and the production of texts of individuais undergoing alphabetization are related to the process of (re)formulation of the concepts of text, reading and textual production of these individuais. intertextual relations verified in the production of these individuais during the process of alphabetization are largely relation the strito type, which consist of a subgroup of implicit manifestations (KOCH, 1991 b) linked principally to the mass media, especially radio and television. In addition to direct implications for the content of the texts, this type of intertextual manifestation also has implications for the quantity of written production and the assimilation of grafic conventions.



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