A contribuição da análise de redes sociais para a compreensão dos vínculos de apoio em saúde e nas mudanças de comportamento alimentar / The contribution of social network analysis to understand the ties of support in health and changes in feeding behavior


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The valuation of the study of the relations human beings make with that the methodology of the analysis of social nets (ARS) either a tool important to be used in diverse fields of application and between them of the health. This study it had as objective to inside analyze the contribution of the ARS of a group of students of nutrition for the understanding of the bonds of support in existing health and the changes of alimentary behavior of the social net. One is about a study that followed the observacional method, with research of the exploratório-descriptive type of transversal cut. The population was of 41 students, apt glue degree of the course of graduation in Nutrition of an Institution of Ensino Superior (IES) particular, of Guarulhos (SP). The friend and data of familiar of each student had been analyzed still, totalizing 463 information by means of the application of a protocol elaborated for the researcher. The index of corporal mass (IMC) for evaluation of the nutricional state was used. The results had been gotten of software UCINET 6 - Social Network Analysis Software and the analysis of the Netdraw tool - (Graf Visualization Software). This study it had the approval of the ethics committee and research of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) under number 2051 of the year of 2007. We verify the presences of bidirectional bonds between the men and enters the women with more age in the group. Regarding to the nutricional state, it was verified the ending of the course a reduction of the classified students as eutróficos and an increase in the number of the classified ones as daily pay-obeso. The actors of bigger centralidade had been the students of n 16 and n 29 and what it got the biggest degree of intermediação in the net was the student n 40. Positive changes in its proper alimentary behavior were told by 53,2% of the students. In the evaluation of which institution the student considers that it receives more support, when the subject is its health, the school, represented for the IES which belongs was cited (33.3%) followed of the support given for Plans or Insurances of particular Health (16.7%). The students had positively influenced the alimentary behavior of its older children (87.5%), later of its mothers (58.3%) and its spouses (58.3%). The mothers and the spouses and/or boyfriends had appeared as the first cited people as being(s) the person(s) of its familiar conviviality who more supply to support when the subject it is the health of these students. We could observe that many familiar or friends of who the students perceive to receive support could also be white of dietoterápicas interventions, a time that many of these if find with its not healthful nutricional state. Such constatação makes in them to believe that in the dietoterápico clinical treatment failure many times observed can be fruit of not the perception, for the involved professionals of health in the treatment of the too much questions beyond the pathology that involves the patient, such as the influences that it receives from its social conviviality. It is considered that such interventions could present better outcomes will have the envolvement of the people considered important for the patient in its treatment, or even though when familiar that also they need the same the treatment also adhered to an intervention unchaining a positive effect intrafamiliar cascade. One becomes consequently, therefore indispensable that in the nutrition interventions as well as in the planning of educative programs that they aim at to the improvement of the nutricional state by means of a healthful feeding, let us carry through a deepening of the knowledge of the social elements, particularly analyzing its social nets, its interactions and contributions in the alimentary behaviors of the individuals and, in its health.


redes sociais comportamento alimentar educação alimentar e nutricional outros social network feeding behavior food and nutrition education

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