A contribuição da Educação Fisica no processo de humanização do adolescente




The present study is specially concemed with the goals sought by phisica1 education m the school system m the state of São Paulo; it s calling for a reflexion about the positive and negative aspects it may be bestowing for those who participate m the putting under discussion the role of phisical education m the educacional processo Through a bibliographical and documental research it analyses the lines this subject have been drawing within the educacional process. It starts from a thorough study on the works of several authors who we were able to implement the education concept called humanizing.Thus, a phisica1education whose main aim is develop man humanistically as well as a critically and criative attitude which are essential for the buildmg of a more harmonic society, formed by men who knows hinself and his potential for implementing socca1charges and self improvement. A humanizing process is diirectily reIated to human body once the body and it s way of expressing or repressing itself is the chief form of comunnication between man and the society. This fact alone justifies the concem with a subject which has the body and its movement as the object of study and the way it has dealt with these matters. It was obseved that both the authors studied and the oficcial documents used m the analyses, a pomts out necessity ofthe humani7.ingrole that phisica1education should play however, they also made a point of mentioning the dificulties for it s actival implementation. The humanization present in the society~ the remaining concept of biolization and competitiveness in the phisical educatio~ some aspects related to the profissional formation and the low value attnoued to the ludic cultural component contnoute to the difficulty in achieving a humanizing phisical education. Therefore, through the valorization of the ludic in the class along with the changes in the teaching approach in this are respecting the limits and the possibilities of the learners as well as taking into account their creative expression we can achieve a humanizing physical education


educação fisica - metodologia educação fisica (segundo grau) educação fisica - aspectos sociais

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