A contribution for the determination of a sufficient mutant operators set for C-program testing. / Uma contribuição para determinação de um conjunto essencial de operadores de mutação no teste de programas C.




Mutation Analysis – one of the error based criteria – has been found to be effective on revealing faults. However, its high cost, due to the high number of mutants created, has motivated the proposition of many alternative approaches for its application. In this perspective, a relevant study resulted on the determination of a sufficient mutant operator set for Fortran, indicating that it is possible to have a large cost reduction of mutation testing, preserving a high mutation score. Some studies have also shown that the reduction on the effectiveness is not significant. This work aims to investigate pragmatic alternatives for mutation analysis application and, in this context, a procedure for the determination of a sufficient mutant operators set for C is proposed, using Proteum testing tool. Aiming to apply and validate the proposed procedure, two different groups of programs are used. For both of them, the sufficient mutant operator set presents very significant results in terms of cost reduction, with a very small reduction on the mutation score. Strategies to evolve and refine an essential mutant operator set to different application domains are also investigated.


teste de software sufficient mutant operators set mutation analysis software testing conjunto essencial de operadores de mutação análise de mutantes

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