A Declaração Sociolaboral do Mercosul e a Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Européia


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The object of this research is to present a comparative study of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of European Union and Mercosul Sociolaboral Declaration. Our concern was to analyze the participation process of Governments, of bosses and workers about the definition of the Charter regulating the free circulation of workers between the two Blocks. The comparative study of the Social Charters allowed understanding the elaboration processes of the social legislations that happened into the two Communities Blocks, with their particular foundations, with different integration periods and having different experiences on regulation about the free transition of the work force. Comparing the Charter of European Union and Mercosul Sociolaboral Declaration it was possible to develop a deeper study about the differences and the likenesses between the two agreements, in spite of being their elaboration dates very distant in time. The asymmetric research between the Charters aimed to identify and to analyze either the origins in their shape, either in their content, considering that their conception and elaboration were born from very different realities in vigor either in the two Blocks, either in the communities that compose them, because of their historical, social, economic, legislative and geographic peculiarities. The analytic study of European Union as well as Mercosul Charters and their relation with the new demands of neoliberal politics tried to establish the links between them and the immobilization of work into the two Blocks, because the agreement did not have a great influence on the amount of workers doing their activities out of their original countries, showing, that way, the capital, goods and services mobility in detriment of work. Those aspects corroborate the fact that economic globalization, resistance of the Members States and of the managers as a whole did not allow or made nonviable the creation of true Social Charters.


ercosul sociolaboral declaration sociologia do trabalho european union relações laborais charter of european union relacoes trabalhistas workers` mobility relações internacionais direitos fundamentais migrations políticas públicas social security acordo internacional cut (unique workers center) mobilidade de mão-de-obra mobilidade de trabalho união européia mercosul migração previdência social legislação trabalhista regulamentação do trabalho

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