A dinâmica do novo mundo rural e o seu reflexo na RMS.




A dinâmica do novo mundo rural e o seu reflexo na RMS? is a work that has as objective to nalyze the issue of the family farming and the contribution of the agrarian reform to the process of sustainable development in Bahia?s rural world. Those approaches are elucidated in the perspective that the urban centers of Bahia could become victims of the emptying process of the rural areas. In this context, this work focuses on the current social impacts of the rural labor unemployment and the consequent rural exodus. The objective when elaborating was to present that the rural development motivates the people to remain on the land, making possible the reduction of the migrant?s flow that, many times, goes to inhabit the peripheries and the slums of the cities. It was observed in the researches realized by Machado, Schmitz and Paula where the non-farming occupations are, each times more, present in the rural areas, When presenting this work, through real case studies, that the rural incomes composition is changing considerably, it seeks to emphasize the importance of those activities to the reduction of the migratory flow to the large cities. That process gives breath to the urban centers to solve or, at least, to decrease the accumulated underemployment problem. For so much, it has as study object the structure and the composition of the pluriativas families incomes, in order to reveal the main types used and/or occupied by the several family labor units (UTf), as well as its respective incomes. With this information, the Análise Diagnóstico de Sistemas Agrários methodology, which has been adopted by the Projeto de Cooperação Técnica between the Instituto Nacional de Colonização Agrícola and the United Nations? Food and Agricultural Organization since 1995, is being used. It consists in a support instrument for the technicians that act in the diagnoses elaboration for different region of the country. Through them, the main problem faced by the rural families are identified, and the local rural development guidelines are set up, more coherent with the needs of each area.


famílias pluriativas reforma agrária desenvolvimento rural sustentável agrarian reform agricultura familiar novo mundo rural economias agraria e dos recursos naturais pluriativas families family agriculture new rural world sustainable rural development

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