A educação ambiental através da televisão: uma comparação entre o Globo Ecologia e o Repórter Eco




This research was made using the pressupposition that in Brazil Television is the great responsible to divulge debates and terms related to Environment and Environment Education. The objective is to question the relationship between form and contents in comunicative and formative chalenge to that TV programs of Environment Education in this Country. In the begning was done a literacy review of authors who have contributed to relate thems such as: Evironment, Media, Environment Education and Audiovisual Resource. In the following was made qualitative research of contents analisys and comparative analisys of two TV programs called, Globo Ecologia and Repórter Eco. In a critical view of reading that aims to relate: way, language and Institutional analisys. These TV programs are able to divulge community work to Environment . In the other hand, keep silence about integrative questions between Environment and society. Making a little diference of the general contents Media and advertising, taking so a conservative and reduced attitude to Environment. We note that TV as an instrument to Environment Education may not been seen as a neuter broadcast of contents. In another way must be seen as institution that has its language and attitude, that must be read as a conttribution to critical Environment Education.


meio ambiente environment education educacao mídia environment audiovisual resource recurso audiovisual educação ambiental media

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