A escola publica e a competencia escolar : o caso do colegio Culto a Ciencia de Campinas




This research examines the history of Culto à Ciência, the most traditional school in the city of Campinas, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The primary goal is to understand the effect on this school of changes in both the organization of the Brazilian school system and the city´s social structure during a period of over one hundred years. Culto à Ciência is an academic institution that enjoyed during most of this period the highest reputation in the city. It exhibited a certain mythical aura that gradually dissipated, resulting in its being reduced to just another school in the public educational system. The analysis developed here relates the history of the school to two significant moments in the history of Campinas and of Brazil: first, the formation and consolidation of the republic, when the city elites tried to be more influential nationally, and second, the period following the so-called economic miracle, when these elites sought to establish Campinas, an emergent industrial center of scientific and technological excellence, as a national and international reference. It is argued that the social and economic changes in Campinas created the need for a new type of school education for the upper classes, better provided by the private sector. Culto a Ciência could not respond to these new educational needs, and it was abandonned by its traditional clients. Finally, the national school reform of 1971 progressively contributed to putan end to that school´s prominence.


elites (ciencias sociais) campinas - historia. escolas publicas - campinas (sp)

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