A estratégia e os processos associados à construção e implemento de modelo de liderança no setor de eletrodomésticos: caso Whirlpool / Essay. Master Program for Business Administration University of Administration and Management,




The main objective of this dissertation is to show the alignment process of a leadership model at Whirlpool S/A, taking into consideration the new organizational scenario and other implementation processes involving the company s planning and the management of the leadership group. The leadership related themes been highlighted, from remote studies to current important propositions. Bearing in mind that the creation and the implementation of a leadership model are related to an organizational change process, as part of the company s growth strategy, these two themes have also been investigated. In order to better understand the movements of rethinking people s strategy within the organization, both national and international scenarios have been contextualized. The leadership model alignment process in question has been described in such a way that it can enable the understanding of how the model permeates and describes the management process of the company s leaders. It has been possible to reach conclusions that can contribute for future studies and for the exposed issue investigation continuity


alignment alinhamento administracao de empresas strategy liderança indústrias organizational change mudança organizacional estratégia modelo de liderança leadership model leadership joinville (sc)

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