A evolução biológica e as revistas de divulgação científica: potencialidades e limitações para o uso em sala de aula




Considering the relevance of concepts of Evolution to Biology and its teaching, this work has as an objective to perform an analysis on how Evolution is presented in two Brazilian Science Popularization magazines Galileu and SuperInteressante , emphasizing the possibilities and limitations for using this material in class. Theory review was written in order to establish a basic panorama about the concepts used in this work. Thus, it includes a discussion on Scientific Popularization, bringing its definition, its historical background and its main characteristics, as well as its relation to formal education. Still on theory review, we discussed a little about Evolution and its teaching. Methodology chosen for data exploration was content analysis, focusing on documental analysis. With that, our goal was to bring to light aspects raised by research questions. Our corpus was made of articles of SuperInteressante and Galileu magazines, published between January and December 2006, that mentioned Evolution in any way. During analysis, we emphasized aspects that answered our research questions. Done with the analysis, we grouped data in order to best understand them. In science as a whole related categories, we sought verification for the presence of internal procedures as well as science institutional functioning. Concerning language, aspects stressed were using of metaphors, analogies and scientific terminology. When it came to Evolution, we searched evidence for mentioning evolutionary mechanisms, concepts of instructionism, teleology and tendency to progress, and the context on which Evolution is inside the article. And last, we showed main possibilities for using this material in class, as well as limitations and precautions that should be taking when bringing this material to formal education.


science literacy evolução evolution divulgação científica educacao letramento científico science popularization

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