A evolução da produção de ouro no Estado da Bahia




The exploitation of gold flourished in Bahia state during the 18th. And 19th. Centuries, mainly by "garimpos" located in Jacobina and Almas hills, in the municipalities of Jacobina and Rio de Contas. This phase received the name of "Gold Cycle". However, the first half of this century saw of the continuous decline of the gold output, while other minerais raised in importance. The gold price increase in the international market led to the creation of government incentives in the 80 s, which in turn intensified the exploration effort and investment expenditures. This new cycle presents different features as compared to the former one: (1) gold has been mined from primary deposits; (2) the producers are organized mining companies and (3) the modern technologies replace the rudimentary techniques used by "garimpeiros". Nevertheless, some remnant "garimpos" are still producing gold from low grade secondary deposits, using primitive methods and receiving no support from the government


ouro - minas e mineração - bahia industria mineral - legislação ouro - industria - bahia

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