A feminização da velhice e a invisibilidade da violencia contra o idoso : um estudo sobre o atendimento de velhos nas delegacias de policia / The feminization of old age and the invisibility of violence against the elderly : a study on police stations attendence of old people




This dissertation is based on a research carried out in a Police Station for Women Defense and in a District Police Station located in a city in the countryside of the State of São Paulo. The objective of this work was to understand the meanings that violence against the elderly have to police officers, as well as their practices in the treatment of occurrences that have people at the age of 60 or older as the victims. With that purpose, the investigation included the analysis of the documents produced by the Police, with the observation of behaviors and interviews at the police environment. The surveyed data allowed for the mapping of the types of occurrences, the identification of the social profile of the victims, and the way in which the officers understood the denunciations and the specificity of the elderly situation. It was observed in the two Police Stations that the officer?s understanding about violence against the elderly makes the denunciated violence invisible, which in most cases have acquaintances or family members of the victims as the aggressors. On the one side, police officers feminized the elderly by deeming claims involving the family as a subject to be forwarded to the Police Station for Women Defense, even when the victim was a male. On the other side, they associated the elderly with characteristics such as passivity, dependence, and lack of physical strength, which did not correspond to the profile of the victims who went to those stations. As shown in this work, the denunciating elderly are far away from this image of the fragile elderly who depends on the family and on institutions dedicated to elderly care. They are men and women with functional and economic autonomy who sought in Police Stations, both specialized and common, a space to solve their conflicts and guarantee the property of theirassets


stations velhice violencia old age violence police aged delegacias de policia idosos - condições sociais

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