A filosofia e seus usos : critica e acomodação / Applyin philosophy : a critical approach




The idea of using philosophical thinking or theories to solve individual problems, conflicts or existential crises has found followers all over the world. Starting with Gerd Achenbach in Germany, in 1981, the concept was developed in France, with Marc Sautet; in the USA, with Lou Marinoff; in Brazil, with Lucio Packter, and it has been present in other countries as well. These authors claim that Philosophy has been reduced to an intellectual production of very few, or almost no one, in the academy, and they guarantee that their proposal leads to daily use, and, therefore, takes it back to its classical roots. There are many possibilities of investigation of this new way of understanding philosophy and the professional practices that come from it. This work shows that both the concept of philosophy and the philosophers practice expressed in a proposal of "philosophical practice" are equivocal. The underlying concept of philosophy in this proposal is as distant from Philosophy, in its Greek cultural sense, as the "therapy philosopher", "the soul doctor" or "counselor" is from the philosopher, the political educator, in the classic Greek period


applied philosophye individualismo terapy postmodern society basis educadores filosofia philosophy pos-modernidade neoliberalismo

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