A formação do jovem atleta e a pedagogia da aprendizagem esportiva




The present study had the objective to reflect about the young athlete learning process and the sport learning pedagogy. The intention was to inquiry this learning process since the investigation of the "history of life" about the physicaland sportive activities of eight (8) young athletes. As a method of investigation it was chosen the "analysis of content" and the interview technique exposed motor behavior aspects related to the reality of the interviewed ones. The strategy brought in some memories that made it possible to view and understand this process from an angle not much observed: the language and the concepts of the one who learned and not of the one who taught. The researcher s thoughts concentrated on the arguments extracted from the talks of the interviewed ones, that made it easy to analyze the history facts and build inferences; they represent a cut, among many possible ones, related to sportive learning. Analyzing the data found in the research, it was possible to confirm that before the sportive positive achievement of each one interviewed, there were-severaI past physical and sportive (informal and formal) activities, which are clearly indicated in the theorical construction of this study. It meant that the young people interviewed learnt sports in many different ways, such as: playingin the streets, observations, imitating professional players, and they were helped by their relatives, like parents and brothers, and also by sportive teachers. The study admitted that the great success in the sportive field has been built through different experiences and learning from practices detected by the research. The basic argumentation line had at the beginning the idea of building a referential about the theories of the learning process. In the sequence, it has been discussed about pertinent questions on sportive learning in the approach of different authors and methodologies in the area. In conclusion, the chapter refereed to the field research brought an analysis with a presentation of the results and some arguments about sport pedagogy were built


esportes aprendizagem educação fisica - estudo e ensino

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