A gênese do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul : matizes de uma identidade : análise semiótica do Manifesto/Requerimento da Liga Sul-mato-grossense de 1934 e de textos jornalísticos veiculados em 1977




This research shows figures, passions and manipulations present in thematic texts which tackle about the creation of Mato Grosso do Sul state and their people, looking for marking their identities. For analysing the texts, it was used the French semiotics as theoretical-methodological basis Greimas and renowned followers, such as Landowski, Fontanille, Barros, Fiorin and others. The corpus, which includes two distinct moments in the process of the division of Mato Grosso state, consists of twenty-one texts. The two first ones, - Requerimento and Manifesto presented in 1934, note the desire for the liberty and for the end of the political-administrative the population of Mato Grosso do Sul was submitted; where it is possible to observe their identity characteristics. The other texts (19 ones), published by Jornal Correio do Estado (newspaper), take back to 1977 the year when the state of Mato Grosso do Sul was created and divided from the state of Mato Grosso showing the identity characteristics from Mato Grosso do Sul. During the research, it was observed the speech maintenance from Mato Grosso do Sul people, their desire, figures, the passion for the division and also the manipulations presented in all assertion. The reproductions, enclosed in the analysed texts, show the deliverer as a different person from Central-Western region and someone who takes the user to permit the right of being an inhabitant from Mato Grosso do Sul. This person has his own individualities, which are modified; passing from the appearance to the essence and from the intention to the dominion. The identity of a person from Mato Grosso do Sul is shown as a sticking, since it is a new state, inhabited by migrants from national and foreign states.


semiótica francesa identidade textos jornalísticos journalistic identity sul-mato-grossense french semiotics dwellers from mato grosso do sul linguistica

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