A GÊNESE, O DESENVOLVIMENTO E A DIFUSÃO DA FOLKCOMUNICAÇÃO / The genesis and the development of the Folk-communication Theorys in Brazil and your diffusion.




The research project examines the folk-communication theory and pretends to identify his epistemological and methodological sources, likewise to answer how we could characterize his inter-subjected nature, dealing with the communication and culture sciences. The study starts out with a survey of the developments of Luiz Beltrão‟s ideas and concepts, after that it links an initial Beltrão‟s ground with a journalism theory (1967) and with his further enlargement, which includes the social process dimensions of communication (1980). On the base of exegesis of the main work of the communication theory founder, we draw out authors contributions for an advance of communication theories, which applies opposite-side dimensions and dimensions of expression forms of a popular culture to the communication process. We maked the critical analysis of the theoretical developments and methodological strategies outlined by the scholars, which continued Luis Beltrãos researches. Afterwards, we examine the dissemination of folk-communication knowledges in Brazil and in the international academic society. The corpus, that will be analyzed, is Beltrãos work about the subject, likewise dissertations, theses, books, essays and scientific passages that deal with the folk-communication. The methodology used is based on the bibliographical and documental research and on the taxonomical analysis. The analyzed period consists of the studies about a Folk-communication published since the main Beltrãos work in 1968 until 2006.


midiología brasileña folkcomunicación luiz beltrão. ciencias humanas theory midiology brazilian folk-communication luiz beltrão. teoría de la comunicación

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