A gestão de estoques no pequeno e médio varejo de supermercado na Bahia: estudo sobre a influência da gestão informatizada de estoques sobre o desempenho dessas empresas.




This study deals with the improved business performance that can be obtained by small and medium-sized retail supermarket companies through using information systems for stock replenishment. The guide line adopted is the importance of the control and management of stocks of merchandise for supermarket retail, specifically in small and medium-sized companies in this segment. An analysis is made of the main questions related to the management of the supply chain in the retail distribution channel, taking as its principal bearing the use of information technology as a strategic tool in the process of decisionmaking. The study focuses on small and medium-sized supermarkets in Salvador, Bahia, their strategies and modes of operation, and seeks to analyse the relationship between specific indicators of business performance and the level of utilization of information systems in the reposition of stocks of merchandise in each of the companies sampled for investigation.


administracao de empresas supermarkets supply chain control and management of stocks cadeia de suprimento retail controle e gestão de estoques supermercados strategy varejo estratégia

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