A higiene nas páginas da Revista de Ensino da Associação Beneficente do Professorado Público de São Paulo (1902-1918) / The hygiene in the pages of Revista de Ensino of the Associação Beneficiente of the Professorado Público of Saõ Paulo (1902-1918)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The issue of hygiene acquired shape in the city of São Paulo, from the problems generated with the population growth resulting from immigration policy subsidized by the government in the late nineteenth century. The capital was besieged by epidemics that endangered the basis of the state economy. Face of these problems, the issues of hygiene and health have become pressing due to the urbanization process of São Paulo city. Concerned about combat the health problems that spreaded out in the city, doctors hygienists sought order the public and private spaces, choosing the school as a central place in strategies aimed at guiding new customs and habits in children, to reach the family. This research aims to examine how the hygiene participates of the set of issues under discussion in the process of constituting the field of education. The Revista de Ensino, an agency of the Associação Beneficente do Professorado Público Paulista, was chosen as a research resource, due its importance as a space of organization and legitimacy of the educational field of São Paulo. The selected time refers to years 1902 to 1918, period in which the Revista de Ensino circulated in the State of São Paulo.


educação - história crianças - cuidado e higiene pedagogia education hygiene educational periodic

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