A history: time, memory and orality from the population in the continental area of São Vicente city / Tempo, memória e oralidade: uma análise da população residente na área continental de São Vicente (litoral sul de São Paulo)




The study focuses on the issue of concentration of population in the continental area of the São Vicente city. First city in Brazil, São Vicente keeps contradictions that are stressed from the 1970 with the settlement of its continental area. In this period began to emerge to communities formed mainly by migrants from the north and northeast of the country. To pursue its inclusion as São Vicente citizens, this kind of group from the São Vicente will consider the school of basic education as a source of improved living standards. In this first decade of the new century, the school of basic education is therefore high on the communities of the continental area of São Vicente, it works as unifying the population resident in the place. The intensification of this phenomenon directed the council for the region to revert to the lack of education by increasing the number of schools and places for children. The social movement of the population from the continental area ends winner because articulates Vicente citizens of the island area and the power of the council in public benefit them when fighting for their beliefs


ensino fundamental -- sao vicente, sp são vicente-continente communities training population ciencias sociais aplicadas Área continental são vicente-island comunidade e escola -- sao vicente, sp education formação populacional comunidades sao vicente, sp -- historia são vicente-ilha continental area escolarização

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