A idéia de justiça na obra de Erique Domingo Dussel




This dissertation presents the idea of Justice at the Enrique Dussels work , by highlighting your own analectic method of destruction of the history of the Ethic, which begins from the recuperation of the ethics content existing at the high-cultures, previous to the Hellenistic world, reaches the Classical Greece, the medieval period, the myth of the Modernity and the Contemporary world, always in view of the responsibility for the Other, which is the basis of the Ethics of the Liberation and of the Justice. In the final part it presents Dussels proposal for a association founded at the love-of-justice from the basal categories humans, Erotic, Pedagogical and Political, the deflections than those categories have suffered throughout the centuries, the need of their restructuration and the possible ways for ranging that aim


infinite erotic pedagogical política dussel libertação erótica liberation metafísica pedagógica justice political vitimação Ética justiça analectical filosofia exclusion outro infinito philosophy dussel, enrique d 1934- -- critica e interpretacao analética ethics destruição other metaphisics

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