A Incorporação de Gênero nos Programas Habitacionais: Equívocos e Conceitos / Incorporating Gender into Housing Projects: Misconceptions and Concepts




The integration of gender into Public Policies is understood as the recognition of the fact that the population is not homogeneous, but marked by differences. If the intention of Public Policies is to attend the different needs of the population and not to discriminate against any group, these differences have to be apprehended. Depending on how the issues of gender are integrated into policies, there is a danger of them being reduced to a blueprint list that has to be fulfiled which could transform their elaboration into a technical activity distancing it from the needs of the target group. This research intends to discuss the assumption behind low-income women which could jeopardize the elaboration of housing programmes with a gender perspective, and also discuss the concepts which have to be considered in the elaboration of those programmes.


políticas públicas gênero relações de gênero habitação programas habitacionais mulheres de baixa renda

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