A influência da implantação de um terminal aquaviário na dinâmica sedimentar local da Baía de Guanabara / The influence of the implantation of an aquaviary terminal in local dynamics sedimentary f the Guanabara Bay, RJ




Since the beginning of the XIX century, interventions on the Guanabaras Bay drainage basin result in severe environmental degradation. This work aimed to analyze the implementation of an Aquaviary Terminal of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), and its putative consequences on the local sedimentation processes, and the availability and possible associated contaminants of the bottom sediments. According to the mathematical models developed, the means of the greatest speeds of the thermal plumes that reach the bottom are 0.46m3/s for the summer simulations and 0.47m3/s for the winter. However, for a current to be able to erode the bottom it must be of at least 50m3/s. Currents with speeds ranging from 20 to 50m3/s are sufficient only to cause the erosion of fine and non-consolidated sediment. Therefore, the thermal plumes generated in the process of re-gasification of the LNG are of little magnitude, and will not be able to export these sediments to any distance greater than 1000 meters. The re-availability of the contaminants associated with the bottom sediments is not likely, once these sediments, differently from the water, showed little concentration of contaminants. In addition, with the low erosion capacity of the currents generated, the consolidated sediments are not likely to be eroded.


sedimento de fundo lpg thermal plumes bottom sediment guanabara bay re-availability aquaviary terminal exportar re-disponibilização terminal aquaviário liquefied petroleum gas plumas térmicas erosão export. gnl contaminantes baía da guanabara contaminants gás liquefeito de petróleo erosion

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