A influência da implementação de sistemas ERP na gestão econômico-financeira em médias empresas industriais catarinenses




This work of research has as objective main to verify the influence of Systems ERP, with support of consultations, in the Sociotechnical system of the management economic-financier in average industrial companies. This work for considering the implementation of Systems ERP is justified a complex phenomenon of organizations changes that can positively influence the sociotécnico system and the management economic-financier. Therefore, it is arrived diverse hypotheses how much to the influence of the implementation of Systems ERP in average industrial companies, such as: the positive influence of the aid of the consultants in the phases of daily pre-implementation (diagnostic of the informacionais necessities and election of systems) and implementation (support and assessor); social influences (changes in the organization culture and improvements in the organization climate) and influences techniques (level of quality of the information, flexibility of the management process, rationalization of the organization structure, more good management of the resources, welltimed of the information, consistency in the taking of decisions, adoption of new models of management and improves of the management of costs). Beyond the research made in 31 average industrial companies of the regions North and Valley of the Itajaí of the state of Santa Catarina, this work also is composed for revision of literature, specialized academic and, and of documentary research that bases and endorses the main boarded questions. The gotten results, after the consideration and evidence observed in the bibliographical research, research survey of diverse organizations and researchers and of the proper research survey it stops this work, verifies that Systems ERP, when visualized and planned as instruments of organizations changes, they can have to positive influences in the system Sociotechnical of the management economic-financier in average industrial companies, such as: integration of the functions of Controller e Treasurer; bigger participation of the economic-financial manager in the decision taking; increase of the quality of information economic-financiers; professional of the management; among others. For in such a way, the support of experienced consulting can assist the average industrial companies to have success in the implementation project. Evidence another is little influence of Systems ERP in the adoption of new models of economic management and advanced costs. Finally, it is verified that in the searched companies Systems ERP do not improve the level of motivation and under obligation of the collaborators, who resist the organization changes


sistemas de informacao gerencial systems erp ciencias contabeis sistemas erp

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