A influência do hormônio tireoideano nas proteínas estruturais da banda M no coração e no músculo esquelético de ratos. / The influence of thyroid hormone on M band structural proteins in the heart and skeletal muscle of rats.




Thyroid hormone (T3) regulates many functions of the heart and skeletal muscle. In this way, the present work identified the effect of T3 on the sarcomeric M band proteins, which are structural proteins from the heart and skeletal muscle. T3 down regulated M protein expression in the heart, one of the M band proteins, and, moreover, T3 could regulate M protein gene directly. In the skeletal muscle, T3 up regulated EH-myomesin expression in soleus muscle and T3 down regulated M protein expression in the extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL). Therefore, we could conclude that T3 has an essential function in the regulation of muscle structural protein and the absence of these proteins could cause lesions at cardiac and skeletal muscle structures.


músculo esquelético heart skeletal muscle sarcômero coração thyroid hormones hormônio tireoideano sarcomere

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