A literatura e o intelectual na sociedade de consumo : uma leitura de O Zahir, de Paulo Coelho




This research will analyze the occurrence that some writers have used a multitude of factors to gain visibility and legitimize his literary product on the market since the post-modernity ultimately require them to draw a new attitude to the new organization of society, is almost an obligation to redefine its literary, off the top of its cover literature high culture to launch it without fear in "fair free" market. Using a theoretical apparatus that includes Jameson, Lipovetsky, Kellner, Eneida Maria de Souza, among others, a critical approach is required and will be held in order to discuss the position of conservative criticism to stay with their basic criteria for trial, contradicting the place the writer and took his product in society of consumption. Based on such topics, this work proposes that show the cultural scene and literary of contemporary is crossed by the reality of consumer society, therefore the market has become a unique mechanism for the recognition of writers and their productions. In that sense, nothing more desirable than their eyes back to the product of intellectual literary pop Paulo Coelho and the places they both occupy the symbolic post-modern society, showing that, if a part of the work writer still "invisible" in the eyes of literary studies, the other still present in the media and the habits of readers. To do so, a reading of the work O Zahir (2005) supports the purposes of this study to reassess the size around the person by Paulo Coelho consist of a dialogue with the criticism as a manifestation autobiographical.


literature literatura letras paulo coelho sociedade de consumo society of consumption

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