A louvação das prostitutas do Jacuípe ao glorioso São Roque.




This work investigates the festive procession dedicated to the catholic saint São Roque (Obaluaiê or Omolu among afro-brazilian devotes) in Riachão do Jacuípe, city situated in the half-barren region of the state of Bahia, Brazil. It endows reflections of this theme to the scenic arts. One of the dissertation concerns is the cultural return of this description to the investigated community, as an input to their self-awareness, besides constituting an innovative approach to the specific area of studies. The prostitutes of Fire Street (Rua do Fogo), locus of the local prostitution, are the social segment who accomplishes this cultural manifestation. The work investigates the outstanding, spontaneous teatral staging, which typifies the above-mentioned rite, as well some psychic elements, which it arises among their participants, besides the relevant alterations of that universe social behavior. Besides prostitutes, participate in the event butchers, cart men, laundrywomen, followed by a noisy band of "barber misicians".The inquiry recognizes the artistically cultural value of a popular manifestation and contributes to the development of Ethnoscenology viewed as the study of human spectacular practices and behaviors, with scenic characteristics, organized by diverse ethnic groups and cultural communities. This area of knowledge uses a scientific epistemology, aiming the consolidation of a paradigm based on the concept of alterity insofar as constitutive trait of multiculturalism. The research was based on verbal depositions of that socially excluded community, paying attention to its specific acts of verbal representation and its correlate universe of meanings, besides bibliographical sources, photographic and videographic registers.


teatro música teatro dança antropologia teatral etnocenologia

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