A matemática em uma escola organizada por ciclos de formação humana




The objective of this work is to contribute to the discussions, in the field of education, of the teaching of mathematics in schools organized in human formation cycles. It investigates how a high school is organized to meet the students demands in learning mathematics. In this way, the work carried out with a group of students who presented difficulties with multiplication was observed. During this observation, pre-tests and post-test were applied, as well as individual interviews with the students and the teacher involved. The data collected was analyzed in order to answer how the alternatives proposed by the school satisfied the students requirements. The interviews sought to understand better the significance of the work for both teacher and pupils. The descriptions of the processes and significations, considered as necessary to the comprehension of the multiplication operation in this work, were based on Vergnaud, Nunes and Bryant. Mortimer, Scott and Davids analysis references were used to characterize the type of interactions observed in the work carried out with this group, and also to discuss its contribution to the students progress. This progress was identified through the classroom interactions and the results of the tests. The results of this research point to the importance of: new ways of organizing school space and time, as they verified that the schools organization contributed to the students progress and better understanding of the multiplication operation; the interactions in the classroom towards the students improved performance at the end of activities; the views related to the students difficulties in facing problems in a shared process in the school environment.


ciclos de formação matematica estudo e ensino algoritmos educação teses sala de aula teses ensino fundamental

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