A Mediação do Suporte na Relação entre o Estilo Gerencial e o Clima Organizacional




The primary objective of this dissertation was to test the mediational and theoretical model of Baron and Kenny (1996) with the hypothesis of that the organizational support mediates the relation between managerial style and organizational climate. The secondary objectives were to explain the type of climate that predominates at work units and to disclose the managerial style of the person in charge. Concepts and theoretical premises of organization and institution as well as entrepreneurial management are introduced, highlighting the Theory of Social System of Katz and Kahn (1973). In the sequence, the concept, type of climate and two variables that predict the climate, namely, management styles and organizational support, are discussed. The results showed that the prevailing climate at Hospital das Clínicas (HC) were favorable and that all managerial styles researched in this study co-exists. The analysis of the model adopted confirms the hypothesis of that the work support mediates the relation between the attitude of the chief toward his subordinate and the climate prevailing at work units. The considerations emphasize the importance of diagnosing the climate to promote adjustments in the organizational management in order to achieve the institutional mission.


psicologia clima organizacional instituiÇÕes pÚblicas saÚde estilo gerencial relaÇÕes de trabalho gestÃo organizaÇÃo suporte organizacional

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