A medida da floresta : as viagens de exploração e demarcação pelo "Pais das Amazona" (Seculos XVII e XVIII) / The extent of the forest : voyages of exploration and demarcation through the " Country of the Amazons" - 17th-18th centuries




The Amazon Region was revealed to the world by the first information from the participants of Colombo s journey, the Italian Americo Vespucio and the Spanish Alonso de Ojeda , who, according to the Spanish versions, were the first to arrive, in the XV century, at the two exits of the Amazon river. In all of its extension, however, the river had only become wellknown of the Portuguese since Pedro Texeira s travel, who sailed from Pará to Quito, in 1639, disobeying, effectively, the Tordesilha s treat. During the XVII and XVIII centuries, other European travelers went through the Forest lands and its Big River s water, composing with their accounts valuable representation of men, rivers and the Amazon Forest, most of the times, based in mystic explanations about the El Dourado and the conquered lands by the dangerous Amazonas. This work tries to explain how the mythical and scientific discourses, supplied by the imagination and actions of diverse characters, have helped to form the dilated frontier of the Amazon Forest, which was made Brazilian


brazil fronteiras - amazonia - estudo de casos frontiers amazon

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