A meiofauna e os Nematoda da enseada Martel (Antártica) e seu uso em monitoramento ambiental / Meiofauna and nematodes from Martel inlet (Antarctica) and their use in environmental monitoring




The aim of this study was to verify if meiofauna, Nematoda family and genera community structure show modification caused by human activities at the Brazilian Antarctic Station (CF), in relation to a reference area (BP). Mean meiofauna densities ( ind.10 cm-²) ranged from 7028 (? 1529) to 16245 (? 12282) at 20-30 m and from 1569 (? 928) and 7088 (? 10338) at 50-60 m, being high as already described for the Antarctic coastal zone. Higher densities at 20-30m were correlated to more chlorophyll a and sand. Nematoda were dominant (>90%) followed by Nauplii and Copepoda. 65 genera and 3 subfamilies of Nematoda were found, belonging to 24 families. Daptonema, Halailamus, Dichromadora, Sabatieria, Aponema and Sphaerolaimus were dominant at both depths, but had higher densities at 20-30 m, which were correlated to higher chlorophyll a biomasses. Analysis for all levels of taxonomic resolution, separated the samples between depths, but not between areas, so differences caused by human impact were not detected. Number of genera ranged from 12 to 34 and diversity from 1.57 to 4.22 bits/ind, both being higher at 50-60m at BP, suggesting that an impact might have occurred, so monitoring should continue and be extended to other control areas. Identification of Nematoda to family level would be enough to evaluate environmental impact of the coastal antarctic zone.


monitoramento ambiental antarctica meiofauna monitoring meiofauna antártica coastal zone nematoda nematoda zona costeira environmental impact

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