A municipalização do ensino via cooperação entre entes federados: um estudo em dois municípios do território do sisal no semi-árido baiano.




The work examines the process of municipalization of teach, in the midst of politics of decentralization the education of Brazilian state, through an interpretative investigation, of character qualitative, in modality study of cases, that if was valid documentary research and empirical research, whose purpose was to examine the relationship of cooperation, collaboration between state and municipalities in the development and management of basic education, in the period of 1997 to 2006. The study initial discusses issues related to federalism and the Brazilian politic municipalization of education as the state. Then, part of the program for an analysis of municipalization of basic education of the State of Bahia, implemented from the program of reform of the state apparatus, showing the main features of the proposed goals and the government in 1990s. This intention, discusses the unfolding of Constitutional Amendment 14 which created the Fundef of Law 9424/96 that the regulated of the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education 9394/96, which stated clearly the roles and responsibilities of federal entities in provision of basic education and thus alter the federative relations in the Brazilian state, the distribution of this offer. With this, the study focuses on the case Bahia whose government invested in the radicalization of the decentralization process of municipalization of teach, based on that legal apparatus. To evidence the relationship between federal entities, in the process, this investigation takes as the search field the Municipalities of Bahia Ichu and Serrinha, both localized in the Territory of Sisal, in the Semi-Arid Bahia, looking unveiling which designs taken by the municipalization of teach, from the signing of the Agreement Action Partnership-state and municipality, agreed between City Hall and Municipal State Department of Education changed considerably and that the direction of the municipal education. The results showed in this context, encouraging the municipalization of basic education between federal entities, aiming to offer educational service.


educação e estado decentralization escolas bahia descentralização municipalization of teach bahia relação estado-municípios relation state municipalities education and state school educacao municipalização do ensino

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