A música na formação inicial do pedagogo: embates e contradições em cursos regulares de Pedagogia da região Centro-Oeste / The music in the training of teacher: conflicts and contradictions in regular courses of Pedagogy of the Center-West




The present work had finally to investigate music in the initial background of pedagogue, under a perspective of analysis directed for the regular courses of Pedagogy in Brazilians Center-West region. To discuss this phenomenon, revealed necessary to examine the history of the music education in Brazil, the trajectory of the Pedagogy course in this country, the limits and possibilities of pedagogue practice with the musical language, beyond empirically documentary analysis verifying through the presence of music in the curriculum of the 76 institutions that offer the course in regular regimen in Center-West region. Pedagogue is apprehended as professional responsible by the teaching to multidiscipline in the infantile education and initial series of basic education and, for this, charged of music in the respective levels. Thus, it is fundamental to offer him preparation in music already during its process of initial background. To the end, considers a guideline and proposals for quarrel that aims to supply subsidies for researches and projects pledged in creating new tonic about the multifaceted dialogue between pedagogue and music.


educação musical training of teacher, mid-west centro-oeste formação inicial do pedagogo musical education educacao

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