A New Estimate of the Components of the Earth\ s Longwave Radiation Budget


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




(...)This thesis aimed at understanding how the longwave radiation emitted by the Earth\ s surface is transferred and partitioned into the atmosphere. In this context, the effects of greenhouse gases, clouds and aerosols on the Earth radiation budget have been addressed. The work has been motivated by the results of Kiehl and Tren berth (1997) - KT97. They have calculated the components of the Earth radiation balance and proposed a schematic diagram containing the longwave and shortwave components. This diagram has been extensively used by the science community as a reference of the planetary energy balance (e.g. IPCC 2001). The present study examines the KT97 diagram by estimating the components of longwave radiation balance using more elaborate atmospheric profiles of temperature, cloud and gases; and also by estimating the global annual mean greenhouse effect of individual gases (i.e. H\ ind 2\ O, O\ ind 3\ , CO\ ind 2\ , N\ ind 2\ O and CH\ ind 4\ ) to the total planetary greenhouse effect. Additionally, the global effect of the longwave scattering by clouds and mineral dust particles on the components of the Earth radiation budget has been investigated.(...)


meteorologia balanço global de radiação cálculo de transferência radiativa forçantes radiativas do clima earth radiation longwave radiation


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