A noção de estrutura lingüística e de processo de estruturação e sua influência no conceito e na elaboração de linguagens documentárias / The notion of linguistic structure and of structuration process and the influence of both on the concept and on the development of documentary languages.




It is a bibliographic review study on the evolution of Documentary Languages that focuses on the appropriation of the structure notion of the Structural Linguistics by the Documentation. The review contains part of the developed researches in Europe, notably by Jean-Claude Gardin, García Gutiérrez e Hutchins, e in Brazil, by Grupo Temma. Bystander analysis of the presented reflections, it is proposed a framework of the main characteristics of the Documentary Languages. To support the concrete observation of the Documentary Languages, it is explored the concept of linguistic structure and of the initial ideas of its development, making a brief survey on the appropriation of Linguistics by Documentation. It is discussed the meaning of the term languagein the Documentation and it is established the differences and similarities of the characteristics of the Documentary Language, the artificial languages and the natural language. Subsequently, bystander the statement that Terminology operates with the notion of structure and of making structure, it searches to verify how this support can be concrete to the systemic organization of the Documentary Languages, and finally, bystander concepts and reflections reunited previously, it is done an exercise to verify if, and how, the linguistics concepts are integrated to the Documentary Languages and similar tools. It is concluded that all the tools use, in a hand or another, the structure notion, varying the form and the rigor of how it is applied. But they do not apply as well the notion of making structure. The actualization of the structures initially proposed, by means of making continuous structure and re-structure, still presents as a problem.


terminology structure process documentary language structural linguistics noção de estrutura terminologia processo de estruturação linguagem documentária structure notion lingüística estrutural

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