A percepção ambiental dos moradores do entorno do Parque Estadual do Utinga (PEUT) - estudo de caso : a ocupação da área da Rua Moça Bonita (Guanabara - Ananindeua - Pará) / The environmental awareness of residents of surrounding Utinga state park (Peut) - case study: the occupation of Moça Bonita street area (Ananindeua-Pará)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The latest disasters in Brazil and the world at the beginning of this century, caused a reappraisal in human relationship with nature. More and more people are realizing that something must be done to preserve the environment for future generations. This study investigates the Environmental Perception in the surrounding Utinga State Park, specifically in the Cajueirinho Community, occupied area of environmental protection. As the occupants have developed the cognitive mechanisms, motivation, needs and prior knowledge, as well the evaluation and decision-seeking attitudes looking for the equilibrium conditions with nature, which result in sustainable living in the area.


percepção ambiental parque estadual do utinga comunidade cajueirinho environmental perception utinga state park cajueirinho community ciencias sociais aplicadas

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