A percepção de gestores educacionais e empresariais sobre o ingresso de estudantes de graduação a distância em programas de estágios: um estudo exploratório a partir do CIEE




This work is an exploratory study on the perceptions of corporations and educational administrators, concerning their acceptance of students coming from long distance graduation courses. The methodology used was qualitative, exploratory and the data has been collected from Centro de Integração Empresa-Escola (CIEE), using semi-structured interviews with corporative and educational administrators. It has been concluded that although Long Distance education in Brazil is still in full growth and presents a new paradigm for Brazilian University Education, we are faced with a scenery in which there is discredit, prejudice and lack of knowledge about the corporative environment investigated. Our research emphasizes the dichotomy formed by education and work, with an urgent need for overcoming, in order to meet the demand of knowledge society.


studentstraining educacao prática profissional educação a distância long distance education estágio de estudantes professional practice educação superior university education

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