A percepção energetica como guia para a composição de poeticas corporais




This dissertation intends to discuss the relationship between the conscious utilization of Chinese Energy Conception ("Qi") and the creative processes development that could be able to dialogue with the present society; thus contributing to the technical and creative formation of actors-dancers, through the verification of the influence of energetic perception on the poetic corporal compositions. On the assumption that energy is an essential element to the development of the perception; as we can at the same time feel the energy moving our body or it could be directed for a specific finality, we ask: Could the study of energetic perception as a guide to the construction of the poetic-corporal composition contribute to the technical and creative development of the artist-researcher, actor dancer? and at the same time unveil a poetic that could be converted in behalf of a better quality of the tenuous movement and artistic "saying. This is an experimental and qualitative research, with concomitant conception and realization. Therefore we approach its contents in two procedures: a) observational - descriptive and b) experimental - ana1ytic, searching a discourse composition about the relationship of energy and expressiveness. Upon analyzing the practical works (composed by several exercises that develop the energy perception concomitant with works of improvisation and choreography composition) and our experiences as a performer, we could verify that the energetic perception perform on scenic presence, on the quality and refinement of the movements, on explicitness of intention and in respect to the integrity of the dancer what consequently will reflect more elaborated and consistent works


energia vital poetica criação (literaria etc.) artistica composição (arte) dança

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