A poética em que o verbo se faz carne: um estudo do teatro físico a partir da perspectiva coreológica do sistema Laban de movimento.




The subject of this study is Physical Theatre, a genre of theatrical performance that emerged in the beginning of the twentieth century as a result of a revolution perpetrated by the avantgarde aesthetic movements, which promoted a deconstruction of logocentrism, which is a process that re-evaluated the condition of the predominance of the word and re-established the body as the main medium of expression and communication within the Western theatrical performance framing. This fact provoked a re-evaluation of concepts about corporeality, which caused the arising of new forms of embodiment in drama. To provide understanding of how such process took place, this research made an extensive charting of Physical Theatre which covered a range from body and gesture?s genealogy to nowadays genre?s production. It enabled the identification of aesthetic, poetic and technique principles whose marks are embedded and still valid in today?s practice. To accomplish this work the research is structured into two different but complementary stages. The first one is related to a broad theoretical review (that includes bibliographic review and a and video assessment) to be used as a theroretical and conceptual parameter in the second stage, which was conceived to collect data from both pratictioners and critics of the genre, especially in UK (England and Scotland), and in the research as a whole. In both stages of this study the main theoretical and methodological frame was Laban?s System of Movement which has been used not only as a method of movement analysis, but also as a poetic process. The result obtained in both stages revealed that in spite of possessing a broadly varied and heterogenous production ? divided into two categories (dance and drama) ? those productions present common characteristics that enable to formulate an identification of the genre, but at the same time, prevents it of being encapsulated within a strict definition.


gesto expressivo. teatro teatro físico desconstrução cena logocêntrica corporeidade sistema laban de movimento incorporação

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