A política econômica do Banco Mundial para o financiamento da reestruturação dos serviços de abastecimento e tratamento de água e esgoto em contexto neoliberal


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The water situation in the Earth planet has aroused the attention of the most different researchers, non-governmental organisations, world entities as World Bank and BID, social movements, and several production companies among others. Each one of these actors appoints and performs in particular scenery, implying the critic situation related to water that involves the mankind at the very beginning of this century. International and domestic strains among financial and industrial groups, among companies and social organisations and others are already seen in many countries. There is an intense movement disputing this precious liquid control and management. On one side, are those who want to transform the water into a commodity adjusted to the market regulations no matter the damaging effect upon people vast majority. On the other hand, it is established another pattern as an alternative to that trading purpose that should be humanitarium, distributor and also respect the water as an everyone wealth not owned by anyone. In this fight, it stands out the financial policies implementation of world organisations as World Bank which intends to bring in the market rules, the international monopoly, aiding the governments in both water supply re-structure and sewage treatment in several places in the whole planet. Inside this re-structure the poors scream suffocated with more taxes in a growing degree, victims of this new model that makes them increasingly poorer. So, it arises the need of social policies as an accurate action to repair the damage and to stir up/instigate (?) the presence of government/state (?) actions. In this kind of opposites movement, attracted and repelled at the same time, owners and dispossessed people mentioned in documents, reports, flies, recorded in videos and unduly charged, the huge water issue is so put to everyone. A question is left for us: how are we going to settle it? It was searched herewith to investigate, to render problematic, to put in questions and raise doubts to the ways found out as solution. And we went through those strains expressing our criticism, disagreement and asserting at every moment: the water belongs to everyone


políticas sociais política econômica ciências sociais aplicadas

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