A Polymerization Model of Chiasma Interference and Corresponding Computer Simulation


A model of chiasma interference is proposed and simulated on a computer. The model uses random events and a polymerization reaction to regulate meiotic recombination between and along chromosomes. A computer simulation of the model generates distributions of crossovers per chromosome arm, position of events along the chromosome arm, distance between crossovers in two-event tetrads, and coincidence as a function of distance. Outputs from the simulation are compared to data from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. The simulation demonstrates that the proposed model can produce the regulation of recombination observed in both genetic and cytological experiments. While the model was quantitatively compared to data from only Drosophila and Saccharomyces, the regulation observed in these species is qualitatively similar to the regulation of recombination observed in other organisms.

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