A propósito del maestro ignorante y sus lecciones: testimonio de una relación transferencial


Educação & Sociedade




This paper refers to the production and trajectory of Rancière as a way of developing an outsider philosophy. From this extraterritoriality, through psychoanalytic concepts, Frigerio rescues the pedagogical relevancy and topicality of the lessons of Rancière for the teachers nowadays in charge of education in Latin America. This text can be used as a clue about transference. It emphasizes the different ways transfer love follows to become a condition for emancipation when it offers trust as a framework for pedagogy. It also stresses that it is possible to interrupt the failure prophecies related with culture, so that nobody be condemned for their social origins. Transfer love may offer a way out of condemnation without denying the place or group to which one belongs; it can also hinder that anyone be trapped in their origins, especially when the founding asymmetrical relationships transforms into inequality. Thus, equality is a condition for possible emancipation.

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