A proposta educativa do comitê para a democratização da informática em Sergipe




The aim of the dissertation is to anlyse the Educational Proposal of the Committee to the Computing Democratization1 in Sergipe, a Non-Govemmental Organization, that developes a digital inclusion proposal. In Sergipe, the CDI has instaled, together with institutions, such as churches or Associations, the Informatic Schools and Citizenship, informal space of teaching where education proposal has been supported and idealized by agents of important national and international companies, becomes real, intendind to include, digitaly, the poor and without access to basic rights of citizenship people . The present analyses, then, goes beyond the concept of Work and of qualification through the light of the Political Economy Criticism that explain the capitalism restructuring in the seventies with consequences to the world of work and culture., looking forward to bringing up the education discussion to debate and articulate the present theme according to the social processes of digital inclusion/exclusion.


mobilidade social proposta educativa democratização educação educacao politica educacional

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